Tuesday, May 31, 2011



In a short time we will celebrate Pentecost Sunday- Christ filling His followers with the Holy Spirit  and sending them into a broken world as His agents of peace, joy,reconciliation and healing. Such a celebration provedes a fitting opportunity to  greet and express a sincere word of  thanks to all our friends and benefactors- you have beenán agent of Christ for us. In sharing your time, skills and resources with us you have positively impacted in some  way, small or major, in the lives of the children and young people in our care. 

The Gospel reading for Pentecost Sunday comes from John 20:19-23 and in verse 19-20 we read that  “Jesus came and stood amog them. He said to them, “Peace be with you”....”. Like Jesús you, in some way, have “stood among us” - have joined with us - and we have experienced your supportive, encouraging presence. This has made it possible for us to do the things that we share with you in this issue of Newsline. 

So we thank you with a sincere heart for your goodness and kindness to the children of the Home - and to the Sisters and Staff, as well. May Christ´s Holy Spirit - the giver of  wisdom, understanding and fortitude; who makes it possible for us to love without counting the cost... possible for us to find peace, hope and joy in the midst of adversity ... may that same Holy Spirit fill and direct you as you continue along your life´s journey.                                


  -Sr Arlene Greeetinge.

Visit our website:  www.sdchnewsline.webs.com

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